Wednesday, February 11, 2009

No Possible Title

It turns out that positive quad screen results can also be indicative of fetal demise. The fact that the test screened positive for three different anomalies means that probably none of them were the actual problem.

At 17w3d the u/s only measured 14w5d, just after my last appointment. So, D&E tomorrow and then my husband is taking me to Hawaii next week for some kind of tropical recuperation.

I will probably write about this more later, just to process everything for myself, but right at this moment I can barely manage to type. I am just going to go out for a real espresso now and get a fabulous bottle of wine for later, and try to figure out how to tell my daughter about this.


Nikki said...

Oh my word - my heart sank when I read your post. I am so sorry Lorraine. This is so incredibly painful. I'm just so sorry for you.

Hugs to you - and I hope you are able to heal some while you're away in Hawaii.

I'm sorry sweetie....

Paula Keller said...

I am so incredibly sorry. Having just been there, I know there are no words...

But I'm glad that you can recouperate in Hawaii.

Lost in Space said...

I am so sorry, Lorraine. I know there really are no words to help right now........

You are in my thoughts and prayers. We are here whenever you are ready, sweetie.

Shelby said...

Oh, I am so, so sorry. My heart absolutely breaks for you. I wish I could give you a real in-person hug. I can only imagine how difficult this must be. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care.

Sky said...

I am truly heartbroken for you Lorraine. One awful piece of news after the other.

Hawaii will be a perfect place to recuperate - the ocean can be so centering.

Big hugs to you and your family during this very difficult time.

Bad Egg said...

Oh no. No, no, no. I'm so sorry, Lorraine. Life is just totally unfair. Please know that I'm thinking of you.

Hugs from Atlanta.

Midlife Mommy said...

Oh, I am so, so sorry. Big hugs to you.

Sarah said...

oh no, i am so sorry. i know it will not come easily, but am wishing you peace.

Lisa DG said...

There are no words I can say. I hope you can numb it a bit with wine. Know that I am here for you.