I'm not sure I can even try to describe the birth. I'll try to figure out what actually happened and then write about it, maybe.
But I can absolutely say that the babe is fine. Even though he is apparently an eskimo. Since the rest of us are fair-skinned blue-eyed Gaelic-ish people, there may have been a mix-up at the lab...

Even though he looks kind of eskimo-esque, he has the facial expressions of a three-star chef-de-cuisine touring the kitchens of a junior-high cafeteria. Shock, disdain, repulsion and suspicion are his specialties.
But, he has been a bizarrely easygoing little guy so far, so I can't complain. I'll have to let the clinic know that even though I seem to have been given the wrong baby, I'll probably just keep him.
I've been checking religiously for your update! I'm so happy all is well and he's beautiful. Definitely a keeper if you ask me! Can't wait to hear the details. Congratulations, Lorraine!
Been waiting for an update, so glad to hear your little man is here and okay. Can't wait to hear the birth story. Enjoy these first few days together!
Congratulations! So adorable!
He's precious! Sooooooooo happy for you!
My friend just had a baby in December and her little guy was pretty dark at first, but within a week or so he lightened up considerably.
Enjoy this time. :)
GORGEOUS!!!!!!! Congratulations to you all!
I cannot believe you're online already! What a cutie! His face is so grown up. The first thing I thought is that it's the face of a 12 yo boy! How fun that he is so animated in his facial expressions. You'll be burning up the camera trying to capture them all.
What does big sister think so far?
Hope you're feeling good. I really look forward to hearing what happened.
He's really cute, grumpy expression and all! CONGRATS!!!
i thought you might have had him since we hadn't heard from you in a while, he is sooooo cute, look at all that hair! he looks mad!
What a lovely, perfect little man! Congratulations! Yes, there's not a statement that could be any truer. All's well that ends well. It was a long, twisty road, but all of it lead you to this wonderful guy!
While you had an eskimo, I was told by many that I had an elf, although he's since lost his elfish qualities! I think it's funny you mention a mix-up at the lab. My guy looked and still looks so much like my DH, that I knew they hadn't gotten the sperm wrong, but I truly, truly wondered about the egg! Lol! Still, I'm not mentioning it to them!
I've been thinking about you a lot this week...
Look at all that hair! What a handsome little man. Congrats Mama. I'm so glad he is here!
So sweetie! I am so happy for you. At long last- your baby is here. Such good news.
OMG! He's BEAUTIFUL!!! Congratulations!!! Relax and enjoy now. You so deserve it!! (And,if you can, walk around as much as you want to now, right?!!)
Don't get too attached too his dark brooding looks. They might change. My son was born with a shock of dark auburn hair which ended up completely falling out at 3 months (as did mine! our house was a hairy mess.) And it was eventually replaced his current blond locks. So, you just never know.
Happy Birthday handsome!!!
OMG, heis so adorable... yeah just keep him!!!!
OK I had to come back and comment/share this: I was showing my DH your baby's picture and he kept saying: "let me see that baby picture again!" because he said it was one of the cutest ones he'd ever seen--the shock of black hair and the expression are just too perfect. And of course your description of his attitude :)
Post more! Post more!
I love all that hair!
I'm so glad it all ended well.
oh my god... soooo cute!! what an expression, just precious!
glad you and baby are doing well, looking forward to hearing more when you're up to it!
he is beautiful!! and he is a perfect match for my W....imagine the hair their kids would have. LOL. glad that you both are well.
Overjoyed at your switched-at-the-petri-dish-Eskimo-mix-up. He's cute as pie! Who cares if people figure he's from your tryst with the milkman. ;)
He's beautiful. I need to see new life.
Congratulations! Look at him...he is just gorgeous! And I love the description of his facial expression. My little one too often has a look of disdain on his face. Maybe they liked it better where they came from.
Well, my friend, it's been quite a journey we've taken together. I'm so glad all ended well and you have your baby son. I look forward to our continued parallel journeys.
Awww. He's beautiful.
Congratulations!! And thanks for sharing that great pic!! Gorgeous!! He looks like an old soul. :)
Hope you are recovering well!! Thinking of you all.
Congrats! Glad you're gonna keep him! lol
SO precious-and look at all that hair!!!! He'll be the only infant NEEDING hair products!
So happy for you!
Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you and he is beautiful! so many new baby boys! I love it!
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