Sunday, March 7, 2010

I Mean, Really...

I've eeked out the last two months constantly hoping for a few more days before anything else frightening happens, and here I am at 38 weeks, wondering if I will ever just have this baby already.

I've been organizing as much of my new house as I can via the internet. I think I'll have to make about a zillion trips to The Container Store (yes, Brenda! I'm hooked! We will definitely have to make a plan when I am off bedrest!) as soon as I'm allowed to go wander anywhere for a few hours. It was interesting to read about other people's organizing, too. I especially liked the comments everybody's underwear-folding preferences, although I'm pretty sure I won't manage to fold my own. But I'll lay them flat in a nice stack by color* and if my husband and I both die and somebody has to go through my things I hope they are just too bereft to worry about my panty storage.

Speaking of underwear... does it seem that JUST when you've found a really good style of panties they are discontinued? Maybe it's just me, but this has happened to me way too many times. I found a great style last summer and now they are nowhere to be found. Does the market really demand new underwear styles all the time, or is this a fiendish plot to get me to buy a whole new batch of "test" panties and then hope they aren't obsolete by the time I decide which ones I like the best?

* Is it weird to be picky about underwear color? I prefer my undies to be of a similar tone to the pants/skirt I'm wearing. Not the same color, necessarily, but black pants should be worn with black panties, etc. - it always bothers me if I have to end up wearing undies that don't seem like they belong with my outfit. See, that's where I worry about dying and what if somebody finds out that my panties and bra don't look good together (I don't really do sets, because the fit is never right on one piece) or that my underwear has no relation to my clothing?


Anonymous said...

I can't believe the stress you must be under, trying to move on bedrest! And what a delight that you are comfortably "in the zone" of baby-you-can-come-out-now!

Celia said...

Hmm, I really just care that my underwear does not ride up. Other than that, I don't care. I used to be VERY adamant about everything matching. But that was in the long ago. Like ten years ago.

I have been afraid of going to the Container Store. It would be like walking into an ice cream parlor.

I really want a coffee table with a lid so I can store stuff. I have been coffee table-less for two years now, because I am waiting to find the right one.

lastchanceivf said...

Ugh the bed rest. I can't even imagine. But it is so great that you are at that point, 38 weeks! So awesome indeed.

I need a major overhaul on all my undergarments. I need to clean out and get some new stuff and organize it much better. But that always seems to go to the bottom of the list...

Anonymous said...

it is not weird to be picky about your underwear, a lot of people are. i don't necessarily care if my underwear match my outfit, obviously i like them to be flesh toned if i'm wearing a light colored pant or skirt, but what i do care about is, for example, if my underwear are blue on the outside i like them to be blue on the inside too. my favorite underwear used to be victoria's secret regular cotton bikinis, they were like that, same color on the inside as the outside, but now no matter what color they are, the inside is always white and i hate that. they also changed the cut on them, it's lower now. see, we all have our weird underwear preferences, i've actually been using the same old underwear for a while now because i can't find a new one that i like, but my supply is slowly dwindling, soon i will be forced to find something else i like.

Natika said...

I have a complaint about underwear. I found some that I love. I love the fit of them the most. Problem was that they were white. So I go back to the store and buy 5 more pairs in better colors. They don't fit like the white ones. I go back again thinking that maybe they were just a "off" batch. I buy more. Long story short, only the white ones fit the way I want. What the heck?

As for that baby, he'll come out on his own time. I think he will be smart and strong willed. Be prepared mommy.
You are still in my prayers every night!

Lost in Space said...

I still think you are going to go past your due date. (-; Sorry, don't hate me.

Welcome to the dark side. Another Container Store junkie in the making...

So my issue with underwear is two-fold The first is that it has to match my bra. And my issue with my bra is that I am a 32A. And my issue with being a 32A (aside from the obvious boy-like figure) is that bras in this size only come in black or white and just finding this size is enough to thrill me altogether. All of my underwear are also black or white which is extremely boring. My second issue (clearly, not only the second) is I am not a "standard" underwear size and most brands don't carry ones that fit me.

I was reading the comments on your last post and have to say that in 36 years that not folding my underwear has ever crossed my brain. I may need to branch out and liberate myself a bit. (-;

Mindy said...

I'm so glad you've made it to 38 weeks! I KNOW how hard bedrest is and I can't imagine adding a move to the mix. About my only concern regarding my undies is that they are comfortable, don't ride up, and don't give me pantylines. However, I suspect that my interest in the aesthetics of my under garments may increase when I lose some weight and feel a bit better about how I look in it. ;)
The Container Store is dangerous! I always leave with way more stuff than I went in for.
Take care!

Lisa DG said...

Bravo on 38 weeks! How exciting. You must be ready. I'm at 32 weeks and feel the way you do.

Wishing you a fast week or two and a smooth and easy birth.
